PowerShell Solution: Use Send-MgUserMail in Azure Automation


The following solution example is covering how to set-up and use the Send-MgUserMail cmdlet in Azure Automation to send an email with a subject, message body and an attached zip file.


Authentication & Access

This solution will use an Client Secret and a encrypted automation variable.

The alternative to using an Client Secret would be to use a certificate and I would recommend doing so since it’s a more secure solution in general.

Using a Client Secret is fine if you have good control over who has access to your App Registration and your automation account.

This step-by-step guide will set up the app registration and the secret, and finally add the secret to the automation accounts shared resources as a variable.


If you’re looking to be more fine-grained in your access delegation, and want to skip the whole secret management aspect, be sure to look into Managed Identities, specifically User-Assigned. Thanks Dennis!

  1. In the Azure Portal -> App registrations
  2. New Registration -> Name the app to something descriptive like Runbook name or similar
  3. Register
  4. API permissions -> Add permissions -> Microsoft Graph -> Application permission
  5. Search for Mail.Send, check it, Add permissions, Grant admin consent for ORG
  6. Navigate to Certificates & Secrets -> Client secrets -> new client secret
  7. Fill in description and Expires after your needs
  8. Navigate to your automation account in Azure -> Variables -> Add variable -> Copy-paste your secret into this variable, select Encrypted, Create

The authentication will be done in the azure automation runbook, and finally the code will look similar to this:

# Connects to graph as your new app using encrypted secret

# Look in your App Registration -> Application (client) ID
$ClientId = "o2jvskg2-[notreal]-1246-820s-2621786s35e5" 

# Look in Azure -> Microsoft Entra ID -> Overview -> Tenant ID
$TenantId = "626226122-[notreal]-62ww-5053-56e32ss89sa5"

# Variable Name from step 8 (Authentication)
$ClientSecretCredential = (Get-AutomationVariable -Name 'From Step 8')

$Body = @{
    Grant_Type    = "client_credentials"
    Scope         = "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default"
    Client_Id     = $ClientId
    Client_Secret = $ClientSecretCredential

$RestMethodParams = @{
    Uri = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/$TenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"
    Method = "POST"
    Body = $Body

$Connection = Invoke-RestMethod @RestMethodParams
$Token = $Connection.access_token

Connect-MgGraph -AccessToken $Token

Note that Get-AutomationVariable is a cmdlet which is only available for the az automation sandbox environment. It’s also the only way of getting the encrypted variable.

Get-AutomationVariable is an internal cmdlet from the module Orchestrator.AssetManagement.Cmdlets which is a part of Azure Automation, so running this outside of a runbook will fail.

Sending the mail

Now that we have authentication and access out of the way, we can start developing a function that we will use in the runbook to send an email. My example below has a requirement of an attachment. I’m using this for gathering data, compressing it and attaching the .zip file in the mail function.

Customize the function to your specific needs.

function Send-AutomatedEmail {
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $false)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter (Mandatory = $true)]

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty( $From )) {
        $From = "noreply@contoso.com"

    # I'm defining the parameters in a hashtable 
    $ParamTable = @{
        Subject = $Subject
        From    = $From
        To      = $To
        Type    = "html"
        Body    = $body

    # ArrayList instead of adding to an array with += for increased performance
    $ToRecipients = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    $ParamTable.To | ForEach-Object {
                emailAddress = @{
                    address = $_

    try {
        $MessageAttachment = [Convert]::ToBase64String([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($AttachmentPath))
        $MessageAttachmentName = $AttachmentPath.Split("\") | Select-Object -Last 1
    catch {
        Write-Error $Error[0] -ErrorAction Stop

    $params = @{
        Message         = @{
            Subject      = $ParamTable.Subject
            Body         = @{
                ContentType = $ParamTable.Type
                Content     = $ParamTable.Body
            ToRecipients = $ToRecipients
            Attachments  = @(
                    "@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment"
                    Name          = $MessageAttachmentName
                    ContentBytes  = $MessageAttachment

        SaveToSentItems = "false"

    try {
        Send-MgUserMail -UserId $ParamTable.From -BodyParameter $params -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Output "Email sent to:"
    catch {
        Write-Error $Error[0]

Finally, we construct a new splatting table and send the email. A note, for this to run authentication must have happened earlier in the runbook.

# Generate some data and compress it
$Date = Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd
$CSVPath = "$env:temp\$($Date)-BigReport.csv"
$ZIPPath = "$env:temp\$($Date)-BigReport.zip"

$BigReport | Sort-Object | Export-Csv -Path $CSVPath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8

Compress-Archive -Path $CSVPath -DestinationPath $ZipPath

# Build the email parameters
$SendMailSplat = @{
    Subject        = "Automated Email via MGGraph"
    Body           = "This is an automated email sent from Azure Automation using MGGraph."
    To             = "user1@mail.com", "user2@mail.com","user3@mail.com"
    AttachmentPath = $ZIPPath

# Send the email
Send-AutomatedEmail @SendMailSplat

And that’s all there is to it! Congrats on sending an email using the Microsoft Graph.

Key Takeaways

While building this solution, I noticed that there’s a lack of content and documentation on some things, one of those things are how to send an email to more than one recipient. If your migration from Send-MailMessage, it isn’t so straightforward, since Send-MgUserMail is based on either JSON or MIME format.

Meaning in a nutshell we can’t just pass an array of email accounts and call it a day, instead we need to build an object that looks like something along the lines of: Message -> ToRecipients -> emailAddress -> adress : adress.company.com

Alternative 1 (fast)

$ToRecipients = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()

$ParamTable.To | ForEach-Object {
            emailAddress = @{
                address = $_

Alternative 2 (slow)

$ToRecipients = @()
$ParamTable.To | ForEach-Object { $ToRecipients += @{
        emailAddress = @{
            address = $_ 

Use whatever fits your needs best.

Hope this was valuable to someone wanting to move away from Send-MailMessage to Send-MgUserMail!

Happy coding
